Terms & Conditions


Clean ups

Conduct whilst cleaning

We as a movement interact with lots of individuals, clean up groups, schools, NGO’s and much more more.

We advise all of the groups and individuals we work with to conduct themselves in a professional manner and be respectful to the environment, to people, to property and to wildlife. This includes not swearing, discrimination or abuse of any kind.

Disposing of rubbish

As our volunteers are acting individually on these clean ups and not on behalf of The Vayyu Foundation or The UOcean Project, we take no responsibility or liability for the actions of the volunteers. Any rubbish collected by these volunteers must be disposed of in a legal manner such as a recycling facility or center and we do not condone putting litter collected in any private bins of any sort.


The volunteers must act in accordance with local and international laws, this includes not trespassing on any private land.

Alcohol, Drugs and Controlled Substances

Volunteers should not be under the influence of alcohol or any non prescribed drugs whilst conducting a clean up.

*We take no responsibility or liability for the actions of the volunteers that act in opposition of our terms / conditions and the ethos of the UOcean Project.

Please see all safeguarding policies for further information.